1st F (Fitness) – This is the MAGNET of F3 and it is what attracts other men to join us. Our fitness sessions are always free of charge and open to men from all walks of life ages 18 and older. They are held outdoors — rain or shine, heat or cold. Everyone that participates is also encouraged to lead the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. We end our workouts with a Circle of Trust, (CoT), which is usually a couple minutes long, and is where we make sure everyone gets to know each other and connect more than we usually do as dads meeting other dads at soccer practices, or “work friends”, or that thing where you say “sure, let’s get dinner” but never actually follow through.
Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

2nd F (Fellowship) – This is the GLUE of F3. It is the strong sticky bond that is quickly formed shortly after you join us, and it is what keeps us coming back. We also attend post workout events, such as coffee and/or breakfast, (our Coffeeteria is held after every Saturday workout), and from time to time, we’ll organize a dinner or movie night, family events and Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) gatherings.
The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

3rd F (Faith) – This is the DYNAMITE of F3. However, from our perspective faith has nothing to do with religion. As stated above, F3 Nation welcomes men from all walks of life, and once we start seeing the positive effects of the 1st F, and experiencing the power of the 2nd F, and regardless of whether or not we are religious or non-religious, free thinkers or agnostics, we’ll start feeling our attentions shift towards giving back to our communities. In essence, our ‘Faith’ (or our belief in something that is bigger than our ourselves), becomes the driving force in our desire to serve others in need.
As F3 Orlando continues to grow we will start exploring venues that will allow each of us to engage in special activities that will allow us to explore our faiths more deeply, (community outreach, Youth work, Bible studies, volunteering, etc.) and anyone who wants to do so is more than welcome to join us in these efforts.
We welcome you to F3 Orlando and we’ll see you in The Gloom (morning)!
– The PAX at F3 Orlando.